Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Illogical Cloning Fears

I have yet to hear from anyone a cogent argument against Reproductive Cloning, that does not rely heavilly upon some enigmatic, intangible, undefinable and totally irrational, "Yuck Factor" or "Wisdom of Repugnance" and/or complaints that bring in some phantom deitie's rights over our own to live as we wish with free will.

Here's my guantlet being thrown down. I challenge anyone to make a good argument against reproductive cloning that does not use the "Yuck Factor" or "Wisdom of Repugnance" or any other flimsy ill defined notion and also leaves the issue of religion out of the argument.


Blogger FutureQ said...

I'll have to look into her book. I have a feeling I might disagree with her position though but who knows. Basically I favor intervention, whatever makes an organism whole or enhanced even. I definately favor undoing nature's mistakes whatever they may be. But it must in most cases be the choice of the individual. In the case of children where they aren't old enough to choose then it's up to their parent or guardian.

Yuk factors are in my opinion always based upon fear stemming from ignorance. Those that fear cloning simply don't know enough about or misunderstand biology or allow personal belief systems themselves based in superstition to over ride reason.

11/30/2005 2:44 AM  

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