Sunday, March 04, 2007

I had a hunch this was coming...

...back in the 90's when I watched an archaeology documentary by John Romer. I still recall his words. He was lamenting the tendency for people, especially Christian apologist so called archaeologists, to presume their findings and see them through their preconceived notions that they assert must fit the Bible narrative. Romer said, "I once knew this bloke that said he'd found a tomb that said "Jesus Bar Joseph", 'Bar something' means son of. Cole'blimey says I, did you dig into it, that might be THE Jesus? No, said the bloke, It couldn't have been him, we know he rose to heaven. [sic]..."

It has been a while so of course I am paraphrasing. I seriously believe this to be the exact same tomb and that "bloke" to possibly be this Kloner fellow. He found it years ago and did nothing with it, why? His personal bias of course... well maybe. At any rate it stayed largely hidden from public knowledge all this time until James Cameron and his partners had the courage to bring it to our attention. Much hay is being made of their lack of scientific method in presenting it, as opposed to oh say letting it stay hidden for dozens more years while painstakingly studied ad nauseum making sure every politically correct bugaboo is well sanitized as to not harm the ever fragile faithful..

James Cameron Finds Jesus, Controversy

Wed Feb 28, 2:11 AM

He hasn't cracked the Da Vinci code, but religious groups are annoyed at James Cameron all the same.

The Titanic Oscar winner's latest project, the Discovery Channel documentary The Last Tomb of Jesus, has been called an attack on Christianity by some who are none too pleased with the film's so-called revelatory findings.

Last Tomb, produced by Cameron and written and directed by Simcha Jacobovi, chronicles the 1980 discovery of a 2,000-year-old tomb in Jerusalem's East Talpiot neighborhood that, the film argues, was the final resting place of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, Mary Magdalene and a boy who could have been her and Jesus' son.

As always find the continued article here.

Will this shake the faith of the faithful? Not on your life. At last it won't shake the faith of the most devout. They need not nor heed any science to prove or disprove their faith. It doesn't matter how much fact you pile on them they won't let one single bit dissuade them from their irrational beliefs. Evidence now is overwhelming that 'the Christ' was an amalgam made up from dozens of man god constructs from those times. I recommend the book "The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man" by Dr. Robert Price.

Close study of the gospels themselves clearly indicates the authors had no consensus at all on the nature, divinity, nor flesh person hood of Jesus. Mythras, Dionysus and a host of other deified humans also were killed on trees or crosses, were born of virgins and rose from the dead.

How do the faithful handle these damning facts that should end these beliefs in any rational human being? Well the Devil, of course, is Omniscient, you see, having the same power as their God, which should be impossible but this is their fantasy after all -- so he saw the future and so influenced people to make these other myths long before Jesus as counterfeits to twist up the truth. Ummm, yeah, right. Occam's Razor says the simplest answer is best and that the best answer is Jesus is the copy not the other way around. By the way, Omniscience is impossible. It would mean the holder of such a power would be powerless to change their mind since they already know what future decisions they will make.

I have now since beginning this post had the privilege of watching the documentary "The Lost Tomb of Jesus". I have to say I am impressed. I do lean toward it being true. However, some serious real science still needs to be done. They must, for instance, prove that all the ossuaries actually were found together and were that way from antiquity. Now if that can be proven, then it will be a huge blow to the apologist now crying foul with unscientific arguments such as, "those names (found on the ossuaries) were common at the time". Yes, on the surface that seems a general valid argument. The problem is we are not dealing with the general here. For instance, to that group of people, as it was pointed out, Mary the alleged virgin mother of Jesus, was known by the Latinized version of the Hebrew Marriame, which is Maria. That is the name found. The so called common Hebrew name for the time would rather have been Marriame or remotely maybe but not likely Mary. It was NOT common except to this special small group of people surrounding Jesus, providing he is a real person even, to call her Mary, the English translation but instead "Maria".

Then is the same group of graves they found one of Jesus' lesser know brothers that was known by the nickname Jose' (pronounced Yosay) or in English today Josey or today Hebrew Yosie, not the common then Joseph. Again unique to this small group and mentioned in one obscure gospel. More examples like this were stated in the documentary basically making the odds overwhelming that it could not be the Jesus family.

Now put on your Critical Thinking caps and ponder, which is more likely, the all too human story that the man named Jesus and attributed, actually after the fact, all the miracles and also historically mythologized as rising, not bodily but spiritually, to heaven, was in fact truly buried or the supernatural resurrected to physical life magical woowoo man made into god Jesus? I'll take the more rational every day. Don't forget as mentioned above there were simply dozens of mythological dying an rising man gods at the time.

Think More Critically people. These Judaic Torah based religions, Judaism, Christianity & Islam, have held this world hostage for far too long. Stop letting your religious friends just slide on faith and not face the facts. Their faith has killed billions and now we have brand new Crusades, or do we really think Iraq was truly about getting Osama bin Laden?



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